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Universal Testing Equipments

Universal Testing Equipments

Product Code: TEST5180RFQLAB-0001

Categories: Bid Concrete Equipment

Tags: Universal Testing Machine


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Universal Testing Equipments for Testing Lab Equipment Tender Suppliers India


Universal Testing Machine
The system is capable of conducting following test:
1) Tensile
2) Compression
3) Bend/Flexural with flexible frame for different setting.
A. Load Frame and System
Load frame capacity: 2000 kN or higher
Overall height: 1,600 mm
Vertical test space: 1,198 mm +10%
Basic control mode: Closed loop position and load
Maximum speed: 508mm/min
Minimum speed: 0.05mm/min
Speed 2000 KN
Maximum speed at full force: 250 mm/min
Testing speed accuracy: + 0.2% of set speed (Zero or Constant laad)
Displacement measurement accuracy: +0.02 mm
Lead measurement accuracy:    10.5% of reading down to 1/200th of load cell capacity
Crosshead position control resolution: 0.0037 pm +10“/
Dimension (WxDxH): 756 x 710 x 1,600 mm J10%
Weight: 5000 Kg ñ10%

Power: 220—240V, 50Hz, 1000 VA
Accuracy as per ASTM E4 and ISO 7500-1
Calibrated class 0.5 load cell for measure load in tension or compression up to 1000 KN
C.   Control and Data Acquisition Units (The Machine is equipped with a touch screen panel and world station with   the   requisite   hardware   to control  the  machine  and  Tensile,  Compression, Bend/Flexure, Cyclq/Creep, Tear, Friction software or   setting  up   and  conducting   the  test,   data acquisition and analysis)
Control modes: To operate the machine in load and strain (displacement) modes
Record and display: Live load and displacement value
Storage: Raw data in either CSV or ASCII format Sampling rate: To define the sampling rate as intervals in Time and Load.
System electronics: Having internal sampling
About 40 Mhz rate
Data capacity: The control software is capable af acquiring data at 1,000 Hz across load, displacement, and up to two optional strain channels
Fixtures All fixtures is compatible with the machine.
F-lexura1 test fixture
3 & 4 Point Bend Base
Fully articulating 3 Point Bend Anvils
Fully articulating 4 Point Upper Anvils
Compression fixture:
Compression platen with dia: 150 by load at least 50 KN
Tensile Grips:
Pneumatic Side Action Grips. Capacity: 2
Jam Faces, Rubber Coated. 38 mm wide x 25 mm high for Pneumatic Action Grips.
Jam Faces, Rubber Coated. 50 mm wide x 38 mm high for 2712-04x Pneumatic Action ships.
Tlalanced elastomeric extensometer type
XP long travel for dual-column load frames 250 mm travel)   
E.Software & controller
A user-friendly software for controlling the mache and conducting all kind of static tensile, compression, bend, low cycle fatigue and creep-fatigue interaction tests is supplied.
The program is compatible with Windows 10 or the latest operating systems. Window’s based graphical user interface and fully integrated to touch interface
The testing software is able to perform tensile, compression, flexural, peel, tear, friction, and cyclic testing with an appropriate calculation list for each type of test.
Allow users to adjust data acquisition rate. Provide pre-configured test methods conforming to international standards (ISO, ASTM, EN)

Configure pre-load, pre-cycle and pre- soak functions to define coherent start environment.
Adjustable all size of live display, graphs, result tables and so on in test space.
Display multi specimens graph, multi channels graph, double y-axis graph and
Able to specify the time interval between required calibrations
Be able to export a report aS PDF, MS Word or HTML formats
Export results, statistics or raw data to either a CSV or designated text file formats
Touch Screen Panel - Dashboard computer
Touch    screen    panel tablet/computer attacheét to the machine
2.0GHz Quad-core processor with RAM 8GB
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (64bit)
21” touch panel with Full HD 1920 x 1080 display resolution
128GB storage
At least 3 USB 3.0 ports and an Ethernet port
Touch screen and fully integrated with edge-to-edge glass to maintain against dust and grease.
Mount to frame column in order to operate in place without any unnecessary reverent and adjustable position
Compactible to the operation software
