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Direct and Residual Shear Machine

Direct and Residual Shear Machine

Product Code: TEST5194RFQLAB-0019

Categories: Laboratory Equipment and Apparatus

Tags: Direct and Residual Shear Machine


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Direct and Residual Shear Machine


Direct/residual Shear Machine
The Digital Residual Direct Shear Apparatus is used for determination of the direct shear strength of soils specimen. The process is known as shear failure and occurs when shear stresses set up in the soil mass exceed the shear resistance which the soil can offer, i.e. its shear strength.
Speed range: adjustable from 0.00001 to 9.9999 mm/min (present via firmware)
Max. shear force: 5000 N
Max. vertical load: 500 N 5000 N using 10:1
lever-arm device
Speed drive ratio: stepper motor 1/10000 resolution
Horizontal travel: preset via firmware up to 20 mm
Displacement limits: contolled by optical safety switch
Digital display: 4-row/20-character LCD. Easy to operate
With the membrane keyboard
Specimen sizes: 60 and 100 mm square; 50, 60, 63.5 and 100 mm diameter
Overall dimensions: 953*387*1180 mm (w*d*h)
Weight: 120 kg
Accessories of shear
These shear box assemblie for 60  or 100 mm  
Box assemblies: diameter spacimet
The box is manufactured from from brass and is designed to confine the specimen whilst permitting  
Free drainage of the surrounding water. The complete assembley consists of a square box with rigid-walled round or square hole, with a loading pad, base plate, 2 plain grid plates, 2 perforated grid plates, and 2 porous plates.
Weight: from 2.5 to 4 kg
Shear box assembly for 60 mm square specimens
Shear box assembly for 100 mm square specimens
Shear box assembly  for 50 mm diameter specimens
Shear box assembly for 60 mm diameter specimens
Shear box assembly for 63.5 mm diameter specimens
Shear box assembly for 100 mm diameter specimens
Mechanical (analogue): load ring, 2000 N capacity, with adapter, or alternatively
Measuring device: load ring, 5000 N capacity, with adapter dial gauge for measuring vertical deformation, 10 mm
Travel, 0.002 mm resolution
Dial gauge for measuring horizontal deformation,
30 mm travel, 0.01 mm resolution
Electronic measuring devices    load cell, 5 kn cap., complete with adapters
Linear potentiometric transducer, 25 mm travel, for
Horizontal displacement, complete with mounting block
Data acquisition and processing system
Direct and residual shear geo-analysis template BS
Weight sets:
Direct and residual shear geo-analysis template ASTM
Weight set, 37.5 kg in total, comprising: 2*0.25, 2*0.5,
2*1, 3*2, 3*4 and 2*8 kg weights.
Weight sets, 34 kg in total comprising: 2*1, 1*2
And 3*10 kg weights. (additional)
Single slotted weights
Slotted steel weight, 0.25 kg ± 3 g.
Slotted steel weight, 0.5 kg ± 3 g.
Slotted steel weight, 1 kg ± 5 g.
Slotted steel weight, 2 kg ± 5 g.
Slotted steel weight, 4 kg ± 5 g.
Slotted steel weight, 8 kg ± 10 g.
Slotted steel weight, 5 kg ± 5 g.
Slotted steel weight, 10 kg ± 10 g.

Direct and Residual Shear Machine

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